You go by many names and have many responsibilities: mom, dad, friend, brother, sister, husband, wife, daughter, son, caregiver, leader, student, employee, entrepreneur, whatever it is, you’re essential!

You might feel more like a rag doll pulled every which way, but you are an MVP! It never seems like there’s enough time or enough help, but somehow you make it happen day after day for yourself and everyone that counts on you. You may not have it all figured out, but who does? Be kind to yourself!

We designed this platform for you and the rest of the MVPs out there making magic every day. We hope this application empowers you, gives you a sense of control over your day, and helps make it happen!

We have features that will help you stay organized, such as the option to create multiple calendars, whether for personal or business use, and share your calendars with other users. There is also a search bar to find services like a dentist, a dog groomer, or whatever you may need to get things done. You can also book and cancel appointments right through the app for your convenience.

This next part is very important… If you haven’t heard it in a while or at all, we are proud of you, you matter, you are a gift and are loved! Don’t give up! Keep the faith! You’ve got what it takes and what the world needs. Why else would God have you here at this very time if there wasn’t a divine purpose for you? He doesn’t make mistakes!

Trust God and yourself! Don’t forget to give yourself a little of that time and attention you selflessly give to others. We know it gets overwhelming at times, so TAKE A BREAK, even if it’s for a few minutes. Your mind, body, and spirit need it!

Carpe Tempus TM offers you our prayers, encouragement, and support! Thank you for taking the time to share in our journey and gift!

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